LionHeart's free and confidential debt information and advice service is available to all RICS members and their families.
If you are experiencing difficulties with debt please call one of our support officers on 0121 289 3300 or 0800 009 2960 or email info@lionheart.org.uk. They can explore your financial situation with you and, if appropriate, refer you to one of our specialist debt counselling partners.
As part of our service, our support officers can arrange to send you some debt advice information. There is also further information on debt below, including details of the possible impact on your RICS membership, as well as some useful factsheets and interactive debt tools.
How we can help
Most of the people we help are not facing huge crises in their lives. A large proportion of the people we help are facing a blip in an otherwise successful and happy career and personal life. Debt problems can be one of those blips.
If you get in touch with us about your debt, we will listen to you, help you go through the options available, and can offer ongoing support until you have addressed the issues you face.
When we asked RICS members what worried them most, debt scored very highly - so you are not alone. What we do know, though, is that like many issues most people keep their debt problems to themselves and don't talk to colleagues or friends, and so it mounts up and remains a secret problem.
If you get in touch with us you can be certain that we will treat everything you tell us in the strictest confidence and will focus our energy on trying to help you through it all with good advice, information, support and signposting if appropriate.
We won't be shocked and we won't judge.
Members of the RICS are often concerned about how any debt solutions might impact their membership of the RICS. If you get in touch with us we can go through this with you confidentially and help you find the best solution.
Find out how your RICS membership might be affected by debt.