10 ways to beat STRESS this Christmas!

‘Tis the season to be jolly, or so the song would have us believe... but, actually, Christmas can be one of the most stressful times of the year for so many of us.
People can put themselves under immense pressure to create the ‘perfect’ day - this can be fuelled by social media and a (usually mistaken!) belief that everyone else is having the perfect day! Add in the fact that spending all that concentrated time with relatives can cause tempers to fray and spark family arguments.
Law firms and family counselling services often say that enquiries about divorce proceedings or mediation soar after Christmas. One recent survey by Trust & Will found that 40% of British families report having had a festive family disagreement - with a third of those admitting it had caused lasting harm to family relationships.
So what can you do to keep your cool? Here are some tips from the LionHeart support services team.
1. Delegate...
Share out responsibilities between the family, including guests, from prepping veg, to washing up and collecting up all the wrapping paper and empties for recycling. It's your Christmas, too.
2. Keep some perspective...
We all want to make Christmas as memorable as we can, but it is just one day of the year and it does not have to be perfect. Comparison is the thief of joy, so remember if you are looking at other people’s social media snaps, they are exactly that - just a snapshot of a day that could otherwise have been completely fraught, for all you know!
3. Drink in moderation...
Too much booze can very easily loosen tongues and cause arguments. One or two glasses might make you feel merry, but over-indulging can lower your mood.
4. Break recurring conversations and themes...
If you’re spending time with relatives you maybe don't see very often, be aware that it can bring up old irritations, conflicts and triggers for arguments. Try not to rake over the past; change the subject or politely excuse yourself from the room.
5. Go for a walk...
Being cooped up in the house can lead to kids getting over-stimulated, adults getting agitated and set nerves jangling. Why not plan in a brisk half-hour walk, a more leisurely stroll with the dog, or a trip to the park to help blow the cobwebs away.
6. Laugh...
Dig out the old board games, or put on a comedy or feel-good film. The very act of smiling and laughing lifts your mood.
7. Listen...
Take on board other people's points of view. It's not a crime to have a different opinion. If you can't agree to differ, change the subject. Is it really worth an argument?
8. Pause and count to 10...
Taking a few seconds before you respond to something really does help to avoid speaking or acting in the heat of the moment.
9. Take time out...
If it's all getting on top of you, go for a quick walk, shut yourself away to make a phone call to a friend, or just lock the door and sit on the loo for five minutes. And breathe!
10. Count your blessings...
We know, we know, it can be stressful and it can push all your buttons. But take a moment to stop and look at all the positive and good things in your life this Christmas, and be grateful for them.